In July, the Lord impressed upon my heart that many in the body of Christ would face an onslaught of attacks from the enemy as they were shifting into a season of birthing and declaring. The attacks were an attempt to assassinate you and to abort what you have been called to carry. 

I believe even what has recently happened to Donald Trump is a prophetic picture of a “spirit of assassination” that would come against many people the Lord is raising up in the earth.

For some of you, the last few months the enemy has brought heightened levels of fear, intimidation, accusations, betrayal, and unnecessary strife. There has even been a spirit of death working to bring physical sickness to some - all of this in an attempt to hinder you from walking in the will of God. The spiritual warfare has been mirrored in the natural as the war in Israel has been raging.

The way to overcome the warfare has been to stay low and in prayer - just as Esther called for a fast and went to the hidden place before she spoke to the king.  However, that is not where your story ends. After Esther strengthened herself in the Lord, she stepped out in boldness and used her voice to expose the plans of the enemy. Through your humility and your prayerful “yes,” you are being called to step out in boldness and declare what God has called you to speak.

Your voice is meant to release solutions from heaven, bring breakthrough, and destroy the plans of the enemy.

Jezebel has sought to intimidate you, because she fears your voice being heard. Do not yield to her pressure, but trust in the Lord and obey His commands. He will cover you as you move forward. 

We are in a pivotal time spiritually and in the natural as we are moving into the Hebrew year of 5785.  God is bringing strategic realignment. Voices that have been shut and hindered will be repositioned into new spaces and communities which will allow their voice to grow, be purified, and mature.  In this season, some will be the ones to set the table for others. Others will find new seats at tables they have been invited to. 

The Lord is jealous over moving His people strategically into spaces where God’s call on their life will grow into maturity. He wants to deal with our areas of brokenness, and to develop us through relationships with mature fathers and mothers who will lead from a heart of family. 

Be encouraged, we are in the decade of the mouth (pei), and the pressure you have experienced recently the Lord will use to both ignite and purify your voice. For you have been called for such a time as this!


Lightning Will Indeed Strike the White House


Burn again! Harvest is Here!