The Holy Spirit said the following through my mouth during a sovereign ecstatic prophecy encounter:
“Some have allowed their roots to extend out and drink poison from other streams. There is mixture. No more can I allow this. I will separate them. I must cut them off, so there is no longer mixture. They cannot produce fruit.
Some of you have mixture and are sickly. You must receive from Me alone, so you can be healed. Holy is My name.
Oh, the babies, I have planted them. They are young. Small trees (planted) where the grass is pure. Keep them healthy. Some are so young, precious, and beautiful. They are yet to bear fruit, but in time, much fruit. Keep them healthy (tearfully said).
A generation of pure ones. For I have set them aside for this hour. Purify your waters, so I may plant them along your streams.
A generation of hungry ones, they’re coming. They say, “Feed me, Papa!”
Who will feed them? My pure ones. Holy, holy, holy.
I will give [my healthy teachers] nutrient rich soil, so they may be planted. Teach them to burn with eyes of love. It will sustain them!
For my waters will be pure - My rivers. The waters will run faster now. The waters will run faster now. Hallelujah!
Pure. Pure. Holy. Separate. Come away. It’s time to separate. No longer will I call you son or daughter in dirty waters. You will be Mine. Come. Let it begin. Holy.
Listen, for the Lord speaks.”
Prophetic word explained:
The Holy Spirit is speaking about a separation coming to the body of Christ. Many in the church are “sick trees” with “contaminated roots” that have drank from dirty waters. This “contamination” points to both compromised ministries and believers that have succumb to mixture with the ways of the world, toleration of sin, lack of holiness and repentance, and failure to uphold biblical truth.
The Lord is emphasizing a purification coming to the church, where He will no longer tolerate contaminated waters. He is calling for repentance for those that fall into this category and warns of shutting down access to dirty streams (ministries and leaders) so His body’s roots will no longer be compromised.
The Lord also emphasized a new generation of young believers coming that will be hungry to be fed. I saw a vision of many young trees being planted next to a beautiful, clean stream. God is serious about planting these young ones in “waters” of ministries that are not compromised, walk in holiness, and are separated unto Christ first. This is the "nutrient rich soil" the Lord spoke of. He will ensure these young ones grow uncontaminated roots, for they are very precious to Him. The Holy Spirit wept through me as He spoke about these young trees.
Furthermore, the Lord emphasized that these pure waters He would bring young believers to - they would begin to run faster. The Lord is increasing momentum on the earth and will quickly raise up leaders who are uncompromising. Simultaneously, He will tear down the impure quickly.
[Note on Ecstatic Prophecy: As the Holy Spirit comes upon me, He moves my hands with a type of heavenly sign language, and then speaks out of my mouth in the first person. Often this is in tongues, followed by English. Other times, it’s just English. This is similar to some experiences we find with Old Testament prophets and eluded to in some writings in the New Testament (see 1 Samuel 19:20-24; Ezekiel 2-3; 1 Cor 12:3, 14:14.]